(I realize I have this post on my blog basically twice – but one version was imported over from livejournal and I wanted to preserve it and its comments. This version is the livejournal post.)
I can’t believe 2010 is already over. Seems like just a few weeks ago I posted my 2010 plans.
I didn’t do very well in terms of doing what I said I was going to do LOL Here’s what I originally planned:
1. Bespin Leia – NO! still no. will I ever get to it? One day LOL.
2. Belle’s Ballgown – NO!
3. Batgirl – NO!
4. Belle’s Christmas Dress – NO!
5. Ame-Comi Black Canary – NO!
6. Magik from New Mutants – YES!!!! omg.
7. Marie Antoinette – NO!
8. Ms Marvel – YES!!! that’s two!
9. Red Son Wonder Woman – NO!
10. Either Padme’s lake dress remake or her Ep I Travel Gown – NO!
11. Psylocke – NO!
12. Enchantress – NO!
13. a twi’lek – NO!
14. Rogue 90s Yellow/Green – NO!
15. another Belle – NO!
LOL. So, what did I do?

1. Updated Wonder Woman – not pictured. (MidSouthCon 2010). Chase fixed up the chestpiece and belt from Dragoncon 09.
2. Ms Marvel (Anaheim Comic Con 2010). One of my fav costumes this year.
3. Jane from Tarzan (Anaheim Comic Con 2010).
4. Julia from Cowboy Bebop (MTAC 2010). Tossed together so I’d have an anime costume for MTAC.
5. Donna Troy (Dragoncon 2010). Quick costume for Dragoncon.
6. Mara Jade as Arica (Dragoncon 2010). Loved this one!
7. Black Widow (Dragoncon 2010). Another quick costume.
8. Magik from New Mutants (Dragoncon 2010). Still needs some work but I’m so happy to have it done.
9. Ame-Comi Supergirl (Dragoncon 2010)
10. Lady Gaga (Dragoncon 2010)
11. Alyss (Dragoncon 2010)
12. Briar Rose (Halloween 2010). Finally finished my new Sleeping Beauty wig for this.
13. Wonder Girl (GMX 2010). Another quickie costume.
So for next year…I haven’t really solidified a plan, but I’m definitely going to be trying to spread things out a little more. Here’s a basic idea.
1. Enchantress (Emerald City Comic Con
2. Alternate Wonder Woman (MidSouthCon)
3. Lady Blackhawk (maybe)
4. Rogue
5. Marie Antoinette
6. Charlotte (Princess & the Frog)
7. Ms Marvel red suit/Moonstone
And a few other things I’m thinking of but haven’t completely decided on yet.
We’ll be heading to Seattle for Emerald City Comic Con in March. We bought our plane tickets a couple of weeks ago so that’s for sure! I’ll be a guest at MidSouthCon later in the month.
Besides those we don’t really have anything else planned until Dragoncon. I’m hoping to find something else to go to in June or so. Not sure yet!
Happy New Year everyone! 🙂
Can I just say how much I enjoy looking at your pics. My husband (big comics fan) also loves the game of ‘identify the character from Kelldar’s costume’ – it tests his geek knowledge.
Kell i just love your costumes!!! and i really appreciate you sharing this with us!!!
i wish i could be your padawan!!! =P
i’m glad tho that i am not the only one who ends up not doing the costumes from the list!! hahaha
i saw you want to do charlotte from the princess and the frog… i really really want do do Tiana’s dress. but i’ve never done a dress like that so i’m a bit intimidaded by it! =S
Happy new Year Kell, and i can’t wait to see all your 2011 costumes!!!
As always, fantastic costumes this year! I can’t wait to see what you create in 2011, especially Marie Antoinette and Charlotte 😀
Happy New Year! 😀
Some fine fine work this year. And I would love to see you do Ame-Comi Black Canary, but I love love love Ame Comi Supergirl! did you bring that one to Metropolis this past year?
Happy New Year!
I love seeing your costumes! Cannot wait to see your up-coming creations!
Sorry to hear you couldn’t get around to the Belle ones (especially the Christmas one). Which Enchantress? I assume it’s not the BatB one (which has two variations as it stands anyway). Can’t wait to see what you come up with for Charlotte’s it’s very neat.
You did a lot this year, and they all turned out great! I’d love to know where you found your Black Widow wig… I adore that color!